Monday, March 11, 2013


And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

Don't ex out yet. 

I'm not trying to convert you, nor am I about to get all Jesus-loving on you. 
This is just the verse I kept in mind on my birthday when I devoted my day to performing 25 acts of kindness. 
Some for complete strangers, some for my family... 
Hands down, it was the most rewarding day of my life thus far.

I had planned this for a while, and even prayed for God to lead me to those who really needed a blessing in their lives, and I am confident that He did just that.

I took my little four year old partner in "kindness" with me, which I thought would be a really great idea, but I realized about 3/4 of the way through that it probably wasn't a wise decision. 

He couldn't hang. But I still love him!

I'm hoping that one day he will see the pictures and it will stir up a memory and he can remember how good it felt to bless the lives of complete strangers.

There was a card involved in every act. 
Some had a cutesy poem, some just said thank you, some had more. 
The cards for strangers included this Bible verse 
(just one more, I swear!!!!) 

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17

ALRIGHT.... Here we go:

1. Our first act of kindness was leaving cookies and a thank you note in the mail box for our mailman. 

2. Next, we drove to Starbucks and paid for the woman's coffee behind us. I was SO nervous at this point for some reason, and I even had to hang out in the drive-thru to wait on someone to be behind me. 
I started to get this crazy-nervous-adrenaline feeling when the barista handed her the card, but I am confident it made her day a little brighter. 
I mean... how could it not?! Free coffee? HECK YEAH!

Next we drove to: 

And yes, you guessed it! 
3. Bought a complete strangers groceries: 

You're probably wondering... how did THAT go down?! 
It was as simple as this: I walked up to a stranger that I felt drawn to
 (remember the prayer part? WELL!! You asked)
 and I asked her if I could buy her groceries. 
Flat out, just like that. 
Yep, she thought it was weird too! 
The conversation was somewhat like this:

Sweet Stranger: "Are you kidding?!!"
Me: "No, I'm serious. Just please take this card in return."
Sweet Stranger: "Just the food right?"

That's when I was all: 

She was sweet. The joy in her eyes was incredible. 
This was definitely in my top three favorite acts of the day.

4. Dropped off cookies and a thank you note to the fire station:

5. Next, we went to mail sweet thank you notes to my parents for putting up with me for 25 consecutive years:

6-10. Then we drove to a place where I knew homeless people usually beg for money. Unfortunately, they were not out at the time we went there, but that's okay! After class that night I picked up the boyfriend and we drove to downtown to drop these off: 

These "blessing bags" [AHH there's that word again!] contained items like snacks, kleenex, deodorant, razor, soap, wet wipes, gum, toothpaste/toothbrush, etc.

Funny story: Before we drove to downtown, we went back to the area where I had gone in the day. When I thought we saw a panhandler I got really excited... I'm talking "THERE'S ONE!!!" (it felt like fishing) Unfortunately, this person's sign said "BEER CHANGE" and he was so drunk he could barely stand up straight.
 I decided to not give him one of the bags because I had a (probably irrational) fear that he would throw it back at me since it did not in fact contain beer change. 
And I ain't got time for that!

11. Reese and I paid for a complete stranger's lunch.
 This was in my top three moments as well. 
I was lucky enough to hear his reaction when he went to pay his bill, but I made it clear that I did not him to know that I was the one who paid. 
He was given his card and he goes, 
"What? Someone did this? You're gonna make my wife cry!" 
You best believe we busted out of that establishment like we were escaping a crime scene, because I knew if she started crying then I would start crying and totally be found out.
 Here's what they look like:

(Sorry, I could only get Mrs. in the picture because I was trying to be as stealth-mode as possible!)

12. We dropped a bunch of tulips and a card off to the mother-baby unit at a local hospital. 
I told the security guard to give it to the mother who needed it the most.
He was all: "Any of them?"
and I was all: "Yes... ANY of them!"

Now, when we were on our way in to the hospital, Reese got dirty clothes lined by a side mirror. This side mirror to be exact:

His face looked a little something like this:

Don't worry, he's fine. 
And you're probably thinking this threw a wrench in plans, but to be completely honest I could NOT stop laughing. I know that sounds really bad, but when you see a four year old get movie-style clothes lined it's kind of hard not to laugh. 

What can I say? This is now on my Christmas list: 

13. Next is my final "top three" moment, and it's my favorite because my sister is my favorite and I just love to squeeze her offsprings. 
They seriously are so cute and their cuteness causes me physical pain.

If they don't do the same for you I'm just going to straight up call you out: 
Back to the story: We tracked it to Flower Mound with flowers and a card. 
Kicked my sister out and babysat for a few hours so she could have some peace and quiet.

It went something like this:



On a completely unrelated note, why are kittens so effing cute?!?! 

14. After we left my sisters, we went to a local nursing home to drop of flowers to someone who needed them most:

This sweet lady is 93 years old. She has lived in a nursing home for 20 years.

15. We then ventured over to the police station to drop of cookies to them:

16-20. I put five Starbucks gift cards in cards and placed them on random windshields. You may think, "Oh that's sweet!" Which it totally is.
 But I felt like a total criminal running around putting things on people's cars! 

21-25. I put five gas cards in cards and placed them on random windshields. 
I was lucky enough to see someone open theirs, and their reaction was pretty much like:

And I was all: 

The whole experience was absolutely amazing and I totally encourage anyone who is thinking about doing this to go forward with it! While it is costly and time consuming, it is totally worth it to bring some good to the world and lift up complete strangers! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It's hard to believe that 2012 has already come and gone! ...SEE YA!
While everyone is thinking about their New Year's Resolution, I thought it would be more appropriate for me to discuss my NOT New Year's Resolution(s).
Here is a list of things I won't be doing this year:

1. Start Running and/or exercising
2. Stop eating chocolate
3. Change anything in my current life 
4. Be healthier
5. Look at Pinterest less
6. Blog more 
7. Stop being awesome and funny
8. Work on my iPhone addiction
9. Pretty much anything productive
10. Stop procrastinating (LMFAO YEAH RIGHT)

I think it is important to be realistic, so I don't set myself up for failure in two months.
(or however long most NYRs last)

Here's a list of things I will probably (maybe) do:

1. Be a better mom.
(And by be a better mom I mean scare Reese more.)
That sounds really mean but it is actually really hilarious. If you saw how scared he gets and the noises that come out of his four-year-old-little-body when he's terrified you would understand. 
2. Get all A's during the Spring semester. 
This past semester I got a B in Economics, but it's my own fault. 
[I guess taking two tests while intoxicated wasn't a very good choice... But your hindsight is always 20/20]
Sidenote: I did get an A in Personal Finance, so it's not like I totally slacked
3. Never miss a Monday night with this guy: 
Let's be honest. 
Nothing gets me more in the mood for a new season of the Bachelor than some wet concrete! Since Dallas has been more Seattle-like than anything else in the past few weeks I have had LOTS of wet concrete to look at, which has led me to counting down the days until January 7! 
4. Look at the Pinterest humor board an unhealthy amount, and watch a lot of funny cat videos on YouTube. This includes looking at pictures of Grumpy Cat, which never ever ever will ever get old. I love that cat so much, I just want to hug him.
AHHH! He's so freaking cute. 

5. Play way more pranks on people than in 2012. Watch yo back.
I am looking forward to 2013, because my ultimate goal is to become a better person. When most people say they are going to become a better person they specifically mean be nicer to people and make better choices. That is part of my goal, but I will also include become more awesome and funny in to that, so I all around will become a better person than I was in previous years. 
Also, I'm turning 25, which is really crazy. 
You mean... I can rent a vehicle without an additional fee? 
That is the extent of "new" things you can do when you're 25.

I honestly can't believe that I really am about to be 25. 
That is five years away from being 30. That is a quarter of a century. 
This is a big deal people, because in my mind I still feel like I'm 21. 

In addition to the above list, I also am going to try my very hardest to stay up late this year. Starting ....... tomorrow. If going to bed before 9 is wrong then I DON'T WANNA BE RIGHT!

goodnight :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

the comeback

It has been two months and 23 days since my last blogfession.
When it comes to The Blog, I have it all planned out it in my head.
 "I'll blog every day!" 
"Okay, I'll blog every day but the weekend!"
"I'll blog once a week!"
Which has turned into...
I'll blog whenever I get the sudden urge to write a bunch of words.
Like today.
There wasn't anything specific that prompted the blog-urge. 
I didn't even have a plan of what to write when the urge hit. 
But, like all great writers, I found a cause good enough to make my come back.
And by cause, I mean a Facebook status that led to a response that led to a cause to write. And complain, and catch up, and all that other good stuff that you all just LOVE.

So I've been pretty busy since May! 
I have:

1. Moved out of the Garland/Dallas/Mesquite area. Forever.

2. Went to Jamaica:

3. Continued to be awesome and perfect

4. Obtained a new baby niece:

OMG. She's just so cute. I want to hug her right now!

5. Survived a summer season of pee-wee soccer:
Key word=SURVIVE! 
I'd post a video but all you would hear is me screaming in the background.
"KICK THE BALL! KICK THE BALL!" ...It's not cute.

6. Started (and completed) my first ever season of The Bachelorette. 
Good times. No really, it was a good time for me.

7. Made a bunch of crap (and not crap) from Pinterest.

8. Gotten back into the whole school thing. 
(Where do I sign up to major in Pinterest-browsing and wine drinking? Because that's pretty much what I want to do. Let me know.)

9. A lot of other stuff that I can't really think of right now.

Alright, so now that we are done with the catch up I will do what I really came here to do.

Yep, you. All of you. 
Even if you think you're all borderline-NASCAR--with-ya-bad-self.
 You are included.

I know I have said it before. But I'll say it again, and I am even seriously considering getting a bumper sticker to say how I really feel:
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

Whenever it comes to driving, I would consider myself a defensive driver. But I'm not talking about the 3 hour online course you took to dismiss a ticket. Oh no. I am talking full on:

Get the eff out of my way. And use your blinker while you're at it.
There's a few things that seriously irk me whenever it comes to my daily commute, and even my not commute.
If you are ever driving in the far right hand land, for example, on the Dallas North Tollway between the exits of Spring Creek and 121 around 5:39ish PM.. This is for you:
Why the freak would you drive in the far right hand lane if you DON'T want/know how to yield? You seriously piss me off. 
I'm talking like borderline make me wanna do a hate crime.
You see this blinker? It's not a Christmas light. 
I hate you. And I hate your 1997 white Honda Accord with stupid ass rims and your stupid face and hair cut. Yeah, you.

On the other side of the merging coin, whenever you are merging into traffic it's not okay to try and speed up and bypass those who are following the flow of traffic.
Ever used a zipper? Think about that when you merge into traffic.
One vehicle after another. It's really not that difficult.
This specific instant really impacts my life on the Dallas North Tollway between the exits of Legacy and Spring Creek around 7:35ish AM.
This is where the defense comes in. I will straight up drive in between the ending lane (that hasn't ended just yet, but it's about to) and the regular lane so you can't get around me. I'm that guy!!! 
I hope it ruins your day like you ATTEMPTED to ruin mine.
It's just rude and selfish. Kind of like this guy:
Nice use of the blinker, but turning from the middle lane is not only illegal but immediately indicates that you are a huge asshole. Could you BE any more inconsiderate? UGH! 

I hate bikes.
I hate bikes with two wheels and a stupid bicycler attached in spandex.
Oh. My. God. 
Could you possibly think of a more inconvenient time to bicycle around like you have no worries? Here's some good times for you to bicycle in the road:
But especially not during rush hour. 
Go on a Saturday or Sunday, or early early in the morning or in the evening.
Because frankly your bicycling between the hours of 7-9AM and 4-6PM is just NOT OKAY. WITH ANYONE I'M PRETTY SURE.
You stop up traffic for people trying to go to work. To their job. Which you obviously aren't headed to because you're riding around carefree and spandexy. 
Just stop already. Get on the damn sidewalk before I run your ass over!! 

Last, but certainly not least, are tailgaters.
Here's a good time to tailgate: 
In a parking lot with beer and friends.
On a road? On a highway? Any time other than that?
Not okay.
Where are you headed? Because you can just hop into my backseat and save gas. Seriously, get off my ass. Driving 4-6 inches away from my bumper isn't going to get you to where you are going any faster. I seriously hope and wish that you get stuck behind some cyclists every single day as soon as you're done tailing me. That's how much I hate you.

I could go on forever and ever and ever. But I'll just leave you with that for now. So long :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Over 1000 views?! Kewlies! Thanks ya'll! 
That means that my blog was viewed at least 500 times by someone other than myself, which is awesome! 
(I say 500 because there's no way I've looked at it over 500 times  myself, 
right? We'll just go with that.)
I'm sorry I didn't blog last night... I was a little busy.
I know I committed to the once-a-week-blog but...I was busy.
With a bottle of laxatives. Hey! You asked.
I know I told ya'll every Wednesday, but it was urgent that I take care of some 
bid-nass(ty) so I could get back to working order immediately.
I am finally feeling more like a human and less like a ball of pain and miserableness.
I was feeling like a big bag of a-holes for a few days so I made an appointment and
took a trip to every lady's favorite place... You guessed it, the lady doctor!
For some reason I need to come to terms with the fact that I will be waiting for a long ass time any time I go to the LD.
 I swear, every time I go I am waiting far beyond my scheduled appointment time and I need to just get over it and stop acting surprised when it's 2:05 and my appointment was at 1:30.
There was a woman (who was pregnant I might add--We'll get to that later) 
who went up to the desk around 1:20 and said this,
"My appointment is at 1:30. Should I reschedule? Because I don't want to wait."
Sorry sister, you must not be familiar with the practices around here, because your ass is going to be in that chair waiting for a while.
 So sit down and be quiet with yo pregnant self! 
Oh! By the way...

I mean what the hell is the point of scheduling an appointment if you are going to be waiting thirty minutes after? If I were thirty minutes late you would make me reschedie... Just saying.
It's a fun adventure of waiting whenever you're at the LD. 
This one time she made me wait about thirty seconds too long in an extremely uncomfortable position.
Think about what happens when you're at the LD.
 My doctor gets it all cranked open and says, "I'll be right back." 
WAIT WHAT? No!!! You will not be right back!!! 
You will finished what you started right now!! 
That was a crazy awkward moment as I panicked with the anticipation of the metal jaws of life falling out of me and crashing to the floor.
 It was awful, but I still love her.
Back to the waiting room.
I had pleeeeeenty of time to self reflect and come to terms with something I started feeling for the first time about three weeks ago.
The first time it happened it was really weird, and let's just be honest, it's still weird.
 I honestly couldn't even wrap my brain around my thought because it was that outlandish, but sitting here in this waiting room for THIRTY minutes after my scheduled appointment time I had plenty of time to come to terms with these feelings.

I really am not meaning to offend anyone at all by my next statement.
I promise it is nothing personal. 
I still love you all as people, and sisters, and friends, and I love your unborn babies too, but.......
Pregnant people freak me the F out! 

The first time I was freaked out was about three weeks ago in the women's restroom at work. A huge pregnant woman walked into the bathroom about the same time I did, and the only thing I could think of was a human being moving inside of her. 
Freaking crazy. 
It just blows my mind, even right now when I'm not around any pregs, that a baby can be all moving inside of you and you can act like nothing is happening. 
Sucking its thumb and moving around and probably pooping.
 I know you are probably thinking I'm cray because I have a three year old, but honestly pregnancy is such a distant memory to me at this point...I don't really remember much at all! So here I am, sitting in this waiting room where I am the ONLY woman without another human inside of me, looking around at all these woman who are pregnant and probably completely oblivious to the fact that I am seriously freaking out because there are like 8 other people in this room, but I only see four... 

A woman walks in with the most god-awful purse I have ever seen in my life.
 It's pastel yellow, green, teal, blue.
 I seriously wanted to tell her, "please burn that purse" but I didn't.
 I'm sitting right next to the window for the front desk and she starts to discuss some billing with the receptionist. 
"Well it was when I got my strep-B test...."
Stop right there.
Do you know what they do during that test?
They take a cotton swab and they SWAB YOUR BUTT HOLE.
Great, now all I can think of is that happening to YOU! Thanks girl.
So here I am thinking how this girl not only just brought way too much info to this waiting room but also that purse is awful with its fluffiness and her mom walks in with a baby. Alright, so it's probably a diaper bag and I am a judging B. 
Whatever, at least I can SEE her baby.

My name gets called.
The nurse says, "I scheduled you for a sonogram, have you done it yet?"
I said, "UH WHAT!?" Just like that.
 I was not hiding my utter shock for even a moment, because all I could think about was the fact that she must have confused me with all these other pregs in the room, because I'm totally not pregnant and I don't need to be doin' all that! 
So it turns out that I really did have to go do all that, but it was in another suite just down the hall. I walk down to this executive-sonogram-suite and open the door only to see the preg I was just in the other waiting room with! 
She has her boyfriend/husband/sperm donor there with her, and I'm all alone. 
It's like a flashback to when I really was pregnant and all alone, which wasn't a good time for me, so I start feeling really sick to my stomach and super ready for them to call my name already! Can we please get this over with?! 
I would like to not be stuck in 2008 right now. Thanks.
Long story short, we get it all done, and I end up leaving at 3:00. 

I'm really not sure what started my feeling towards pregnant women, but I do hope to overcome it sometime in the near future. Help me!!!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

5 Reasons...


1. Money

Babies are extremely expensive. 
And you know what babies grow into? Children. Who are even more expensive. 
Have you researched how much daycare costs these days? 
If you are already pregnant, maybe. 
If you are single with no children searching for daycare prices, you are a weirdo.
 One who should not procreate at this time.
You have to work to support the offspring, and you can't work without someone to watch the offspring. 
Guess what? Daycare is absolutely ridiculous. 
Anywhere from $500/mo on the lower end to $900ish a month on the realistic end.
Keep in mind this is without a good deal and/or daycare assistance.
Because yes, there IS a government assistance for that!   
If you are thinking of relying on assistance to support your not-yet-conceived-child, then you are not ready to have a child. 
Why? Because my tax dollars don't really want to pay for it, and I don't either.
You are probably thinking, oh my gosh... DAYCARE? 
That's my almost/is how much I pay in rent! 
Yes, it probably is. And babies need you to be able to pay the rent so they have a place to live when they aren't at daycare.
Let's not stop at daycare. 
Formula is anywhere from $16-$25 per can.
 If my memory serves me correct, a can of formula can last anywhere from one to one and a half weeks. 
That is around $100 a month. Are you keeping up? 
Because we haven't even talked about diapers, and the baby needs somewhere to put all that used up formula!
Diapers range anywhere from $10 for a small package to about $40 for a more reasonable package that will last more than two days. 
Babies use multiple diapers a day, anywhere from 3-10. Diapers. A day.
There's only so many diapers in each package, just saying.
Once they grow out of the formula/diaper stage, you may THINK you will save money... But you won't. Because then they will need underwear all the time, not to mention they grow like weeds and will outgrow that cute new outfit you bought within the next two weeks. They eat like, well, growing boys. Pretty much more than you eat now, which can get pretty expensive if you think about it.

2. You like sleeping more than you think.

You really do, even though you think you could really go for waking up multiple times in the night. Who wouldn't? 
If you are thinking about how cute those little ruffle butt bloomers are, and how sweet it would be to have a baby right now plus nine months...
 I have a great way to change your mind.
My first solution is to babysit a teething one year old for one night. 
One night!!! That is all it will take, I promise. 
Wait until the one year old molars stage, because those are the most fun.
I would try and find someone who you are friends with and ask them to borrow their baby. Posting something on Craig's list would not be acceptable.
Option two requires real self discipline, because you can't snooze a baby.
Set your alarm for every two hours and actually get up. 
Every two hours, because that's how often newborns eat. 
Even three year olds wake up every two hours sometimes, because they're three, and they want to talk, or they have to pee, or they had a bad dream, or they are ready for morning and cannot wait another 4 hours for daytime to begin. 
Do this three nights in a row and I promise you will be cured.

3. Freedom

You have to have your baby covered at all times. 
Even when you have diarrhea. Where's the baby?
Even when you are sooo tired because you haven't slept more than 10 hours in the past three nights combined. Even when you just want to run in the gas station because you only have cash and your car is on E.... you can't leave a baby in the car! You just want to run in to Subway real quick to grab a $5 footlong? Well, it's not going to be real quick. You have to get the baby out of the car seat, take them into Subway, order, put them back in the car seat when it's time to leave....
Finding a babysitter isn't always easy. 
And it doesn't always work out the way you want it to, and sometimes it's frustrating.
You may feel left out at times because your friends are out and you aren't.
If the baby is sick and can't go to daycare, you would have to find a sitter to watch him. Most of the time you have to pay for baby sitters, which could range anywhere from $10/hour and up. If you have a lot of family like I do that love your perfect angel baby it is easier, but there are times when no one is available and well!!! 
That little baby you wanted sooooo badly comes first!
As I am writing this my own three year old is climbing on me and speaking in tongues.
But HEY!!! At least he's covered right?

4. Your Body

Is a wonderland? Maybe not so much after nine months of pregnancy.
Or 18 months of pregnancy if you're Jessica Simpson.
I don't want to freak you out, but fully recovering from pregnancy takes a damn long time. For me, about three years to be completely back to pre-Reese.
If you are thinking you will work out to get that baby weight off, chances are you won't because you don't work out now, and having a baby isn't going to change that. Even if you work out now, finding a babysitter so you can work out may be a challenge--forcing you to just not work out. Or do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred in your living room after bedtime. 
No one will judge you. That shit is hard. 
If you want to get your hair done, you have to find a sitter, but you won't want to waste a sitter on a hair appointment, because you would rather go hang out with your friends if you got the opportunity for a sitter.

5. Being a parent is hard

No matter what age your baby/kid is, being a parent is not an easy task. 
I know you see your friends on Facebook and parenting is so fun! 
And the pics are so cute! And going to the zoo is so much more fun with a toddler (which it is) but please keep in mind that these are the happy times. 
No one is posting a picture of themselves at 3AM up with a coughing toddler, because let's just be honest they probably look like a hot damn mess. 
When you see your friends and their kids out, if the parents are good at what they do the visit was most likely strategically planned out after nap when the child is well rested and on their best behavior. This is not always the case, and if the parent is good at planning, then the bad behavior stays at home for just the parents to enjoy. 
Being a parent to a newborn is hard because they can't talk.
Being a parent to a toddler is hard because they don't stop talking.

These are all things I wish someone would have presented to me before I became a mother. I know these are all things that I never thought about before I got pregnant, or when I was pregnant... I only thought about them as they were presented to me.  Motherhood has been a great experience for me, because I have an amazing family and an even more amazing son. I am extremely blessed for all of these things, but some parents aren't as blessed. I am blessed to have a child with a very big and loving heart, who is healthy, and who is cute as all get out. My advice to all my friends is to wait as long as possible. One day you will be able to experiences the joys and hard times of parenthood, but do your living first. I promise you won't regret it!