Sunday, January 22, 2012


After fighting the urge for as long as I possibly could 
(probably 2 months)(knowing I would be forever changed!) 
I recently [finally] gave in and accepted my sister's invite to Pinterest.  
I now want to knit, glitter everything I see, 
cook cakes and other miscellaneous items in crock pots and yes... BLOG!
(just a side note, who knew how hard it was to spell 'miscellaneous'? Thank you GOOGLE!)
My days are now consumed with daydreaming about arts and crafts. All. Day. Long.
Except of course, when I'm looking at hilarious pictures posted to the "humor" board, 
and finding other ways to avoid doing anything productive.

Alright, so here I am in the blogging world. 
Bloggity blog blog.. what a fun word to say.
Recently, in addition to my new addiction (say that ten times fast) 
I have made some lifestyle changes that a lot of people have been questioning. 
As a self proclaimed queen of the McRib and other deliciously tasty yet absolutely horrifying caloric/fatty foods, I have changed my ways!
 I have started eating healthy and... hold your breath! exercising a little bit as well. 
This has spurred a lot of my friends and family to be like ... WTF? 

YOU'RE SO SKINNY! don't neeeeeed to lose any weight!
you're crazy! 
(not to say that I am not crazy, because we all have our moments...)

Yes, I'm pretty (tell me something I don't know) and yes, 
I was blessed with a good metabolism (thank you DNA!)
However, I was not taking care of my body...
 and if I don't take care of me, then who will?
In addition to wanting to look good in a bikini, it's important for me to take care of myself so I can be around for a long time to take care of my little me-nugget, Reese.
 (I know what you're thinking and  I swear, I did NOT name him after the candy... even though, at the time, I did love [was borderline obsessed with] them.)
So, I have substituted my eat-whatever-i-want habits with some non-heart-attack-inducing options. 

My lunches look more like this:

When they used to look like this:
And yes, that is a fat-free snack pack... jeally?

Instead of taking the elevator, I take the stairs, and I jog about once a week.

Now, converting to a stair walker from an elevator rider was actually something I had to train myself to do; I was so accustomed to riding the elevator that I actually had to teach myself to bypass those shiny metal doors every day. This is probably a good choice for more reasons than one, seeing how the elevators at my office don't have those convenient automatic-door-opening sensors, and living a long life would be a little complicated if I got squished in between some elevator doors and died, would it not?

 My doctor told me about six months ago that if I exercised I would have no trouble sleeping at night. 
When she asked me how often I work out I was like 'umm... never?'
I actually scoffed at this, because I was like... 
What does that have to do with ANYTHING? 
But man, was she ever right... On the days I do jog, I sleep much like a person that is in a coma.
 I guess a medical degree will do that for you. Sorry DOC!
In addition to my stair-walking and weekly jogs, I have also started drinking a lot of water, 
and have eliminated soda out of my diet entirely. This was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be, 
and now I find myself wanting to drink only water and nothing else. Eating healthier actually wasn't hard at all... really all I had to do was WANT to do it, but I'm glad I did. Good times.

Well, I guess this is the end of bloggerino #1. 


1 comment:

  1. i just typed in blog blog POT . and some crazy spanish disney lover came up. hahaha!

    can't wait to read your next post!
